Paris, the City of Light. You’ll be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t fallen in love with everything this gorgeous city has to offer. Even though this is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world, Paris holds a lot of mystery. Here are 10 facts you definitely didn’t know about the City of Light.
1. There are 6,100 streets in Paris. Lining them are 470,000 trees, which are all measured and referenced by city officials.
2. Paris was once limited to a small island in the center of the Seine River, called Ile de la Cite. But the city limits quickly spread to both banks of the river, and now there are 20 districts, called arrondissements, that spread out in a clockwise spiral around the center of the city.
3. There are 181 places in the city where you can get an espresso for only one euro. So step out of your luxury Paris apartment rentals and get yourself one!
4. There are so many cafes and restaurants in Paris that if you visited one per day it would take you 29.8 years to see them all. In total, there are 9,057 city wide.
5. Additionally, there are 1,784 bakeries in Paris so you will not have to go far to get a fresh croissant or baguette.
6. Many people are aware of the popular Seine river that runs throughout the city. But there is a smaller, secret river a few blocks away from the Notre Dame cathedral named la Bievre. It was filled in in 1912, but it still runs in underground tunnels and empties into the Seine.
7. There are three Statue of Liberties scattered all throughout the city. Modeled after the infamous statue given to the United States by the French, any visitor to Paris can spot three replicas in the city. One is on the Seine, at the tip of Ile de Cygne, one is in the Luxembourg Gardens, and one is in front of the Arts and Metiers museum.
8. The Notre Dame Cathedral is home to a 13 ton bell named Emmanuel.
9. In total, there are 1,803 monuments in Paris.
10. Paris is the home to luxury. Luxury Paris rentals are all the rage, complete with concierge Paris service. There are many luxury accommodations in Paris to choose from, so before you visit the city make sure to choose from their luxury Paris rentals to have a vacation of a lifetime! More information like this.